So for the past week and some change, I've been in the bustling metropolis of Milwaukee, Wisconsin embarking on an 8-week training program for work. Thankfully, it's only 2 weeks in the Midwest, 4 weeks at home and 2 weeks back here. I'm slightly concerned about the snowy conditions during my return trip in December... prayers would be appreciated!
This is my first experience traveling more than 48 hours for work and I must say it's been an experience. I've loved expensing nice meals out downtown (The founder of my company's name is Warren Johnson... hence the saying "Thanks Uncle Warren" was born!), being in a "walking city" during the times we actually escape the hotel, and I must say having a gym directly below me has somehow inspired me to run most mornings before work. Now, that is a FEAT! I've met alot of great people too which has been the key to bypassing home-sickness.
One particular "thanks Uncle Warren" moment occurred this weekend when the company paid for Alex to fly out to visit! We made the most of our time by traveling to Chicago! Neither of us had been and we loved it! We came home with quite a few blisters from walking around for 6+ hours but it was well worth it.

With some other JCI folks on the train
I must say I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, just eating a sandwich instead of fancy/expensive meals, doing boring household chores like laundry and just life getting back to normal. But for now, I'm enjoying the life of a traveling woman :)