Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day Trip to Boulder

Well, for a couple of months now, we've been taking turns planning weekly date nights and it has been so fun! This week was Alex's turn and he went all out by planning a date day in Boulder. We went on a morning hike in Chautauqua Park, headed over to Pearl Street for falafels/gyros and a little window shopping, checked out the Boulder farmers market (which was amazing btw), went to the Avery taproom, then finished off the day with Larkburger for dinner. It was a busy but very fun (and yummy!) day!

Boulder in the distance

I must say my favorite thing about today was strolling down memory lane. Four summers ago, when Alex and I had been dating just a few months, he took me up to Boulder to hike the Royal Arch (same park as today, just a little harder hike) and eat falafels on Pearl Street. Here's a little throwback pic for you :)

Hope y'all had a fantastic weekend!

What a GREAT "read"!

Well, we're officially Colorado residents! We left Dallas last Sunday morning, stopped in Canyon for the night with my sister's in-laws, and got here Monday afternoon. We have been working hard all week to get the new place together and it's really starting to feel like home!

Back to the lovely 14 hour drive we did to get here, to say I was worried about getting bored is a HUGE understatement. :) Being in the Jeep by myself didn't sound appealing in the least, though I was excited about the roadtrip w/ Alex and my dad. So we decided to download an audio version of a book I'd heard about and Alex and I listened to it in separate cars and compared notes. We're cool, I know.

Please do me a favor and buy this book right now. I absolutely loved it! Besides the wonderful fact that it made the drive fly by, it completely challenged the way I live out my faith. It's so easy to look through what the Bible says through the lens of the "American dream" and not stop to notice how the Lord really calls us to live.

If you want a little more info about just how life changing this book is, check out this post from a blog I stalk (she led a bible study I was in my senior year of college so I guess it's not REALLY stalking :) )
or just read the book and see for yourself.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Bye Bye Dallas!

pic found here.

Dearest Dallas,

While I'm really excited about moving to Colorado and all the adventures that lie ahead, I thought it would be appropriate to take a moment and say goodbye. You were the city where I started my first job, made that strange transition into "adulthood", had my first little married apartment, built a wonderful foundation for my marriage (thanks in huge part to our amazing FG), and spent the last 2 years surrounded by wonderful friends and family. Though your current hot weather is making me itch for Denver (especially when our AC was out earlier this week, but that's another story) , your random cold winter this last year was a little gift to me. I joked all winter that all that snow was God's way of preparing us to move to Denver one day.... little did I know that was the truth.

This time in Dallas has been nothing short of wonderful. The Lord has been so purposeful in equipping me, breaking me, and growing me in this place and the people positioned around me during all that were just what I needed. I have complete peace in the fact that our little family will thrive in our new home, so much so that I'm totally overwhelmed. I feel so confident in the Lord's guiding and am very eager to see what this past 2 years has been preparing us for!

The main things I'll miss about you, Dallas, are your abundant bounty of Tex-Mex (esp queso), living within walking distance to my sister (maybe not"walking" in this heat but oh well) and easy driving distance from my parents, knowing my way around a city/state, getting a little cred when I wear my aggie ring, all the nostalgia associated with our favorite date places and "firsts", how your seasons (or lack of) so appropriately fit with my wardrobe and love for dresses and skirts, and the people here who "know me-know me".

Thanks for making the first step of my journey as a Herndon just-right. I'll make sure to enjoy my last week here and then I'll see you over Thanksgiving (please make sure to stock up on queso before then)!


Your faithful resident since July 2008